Do Coworking Spaces Really Boost Employee Productivity?

As the proliferation of coworking spaces continues to grow, many people wonder if they really live up to their claims of boosting employee productivity. The answer is a resounding yes.

Coworking spaces have been found to improve productivity in a number of ways, but it’s important for coworking operators to understand what factors contribute to a truly productive workspace.

What makes a coworking space the best place for productivity? 

Opportunities for collaboration

One of the biggest benefits of coworking spaces is the opportunity for collaboration and networking. When people work in a traditional office setting, they’re often limited to the people within their own department or company.

In a coworking space, however, employees have the chance to interact with professionals from all sorts of professional backgrounds. This can lead to new ideas, partnerships, and even clients. According to a study by Emergent Research, a massive 79% of coworking members report that coworking has expanded their professional networks.

A view of a Hub Australia coworking space.

An inspiring environment 

When you work in a drab, boring office, it’s hard to feel inspired. Coworking spaces, on the other hand, are designed to be aesthetically pleasing, with natural light and open spaces that positively impact mood and creativity. 


The beauty of coworking spaces is the flexibility they offer. Employees can customize their work environment to suit their preferences, from standing desks to private offices. This freedom leads to increased productivity as employees work in an environment that they actually feel comfortable in. Having the ability to move to different areas throughout the day helps with coming up with new ideas, battling writer’s block, solving problems, and beating burnout. 

What can coworking providers do to create a truly productive work environment?

It’s important to remember that coworking spaces aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution for productivity. In order to create a truly productive workspace, coworking operators need to consider a few key factors.

First, noise levels can have a big impact on productivity. While some people thrive in a bustling, noisy environment, others find it distracting. Consider offering a variety of spaces with different noise levels to accommodate different working styles. As an example, some coworking spaces have quiet rooms for people who need to focus, while others have communal areas for collaboration.

Coworking spaces should also encourage movement and interaction, while still providing private areas for focused work. This is usually achieved through creating open floor plans with different seating options, offering private meeting rooms, and providing areas for standing work. 

A view of a Hub Australia coworking space.

Finally, coworking operators should consider adding amenities that make the workspace more appealing. Think cafés, fitness spaces, and even on-site childcare. When employees have access to these types of amenities, they are more likely to view the space as a desirable workplace, leading to increased happiness at work which can only have a positive impact on productivity. 

Operators who cater to the above factors will create an environment that not only enhances productivity but also fosters a sense of community and belonging. Ultimately, it’s the little things that can make all the difference.

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